This Country Needs Reform
Reform UK have just released their draft contract which contains policies and statements from the party for the general election. It’s like a manifesto only more honest. Whilst Reform Derby concentrate on local politics we work closely with Reform UK locally, on the wider issues and at the national level, standing candidates for Police and Crime Commissioner, East Midlands Combined Authority Mayor and in General Elections.
Read the Contract here!
Further details, policies and information can be found at
Come and join us, help us Reform Derby!

If you like what Reform Derby is all about and would like to be part of the Party, please consider joining us or supporting our cause.
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Membership cost just £20/year
We are the party that fights for the people of Derby. The People before the party!
Meet your Councillors
Just like you, our Councillors are hardworking people. They are working for a better Derby; one that we all can be proud of.
Upcoming Events
See our upcoming events including neighbourhood forums, councillor surgeries and community events.

Local Politics
Understand local politics in Derby.
We have gathered a informative guide on how local elections work in Derby City.
Committee System
Why does Derby need a committee system?
Find out why the committee system is needed in Derby and the benefits it will bring to Derby:
A Bright Future
For Derby