
Launch of Reform Derby
rfadmin News Alan Graves, John Evans, Kirk Kus, Paul Bettany, ReformDerby
Press release
Cllr Alan Graves and his colleagues believe we need to Reform Derby
A new independent party has been created just for Derby. The party is inclusive and focuses on being independent from the mainstream political parties. For many years Derby City Council has suffered from links to the national London-centric political parties that have become remote from what Derby needs.
Now voters will have the choice of parties that follow their national political masters under the whip system or an independent Reform Derby party that only answers to the residents that elect them.
We will be seeking membership from people who have an interest in Derby and suitable candidates with a passion for Derby for next year’s local elections.
A major deciding factor for the change was to seek reform in the governance system of the Derby City Council. In 2018 three parties campaigned to change our Cabinet system to the democratic Committee system. Unfortunately, the Conservatives went back on their promise and the council remains under the elitist Cabinet System. This has prolonged work on the A52, delayed work on Moorways, and scrapped plans for the Assembly Rooms. This has wasted £millions of taxpayers’ money.
Our website is www.reformderby.uk or you can email us at contact@reformderby.uk alternatively, contact us by phone on 07736782242
From now on these Councillors: Alan Graves Snr; John Evans; Paul Bettany; Kirk Kus; and Alan Graves Junior; will represent Reform Derby on Derby City Council.
The Party leader Cllr Alan Graves said, “Our first major objective is to campaign to change the council governance system from the dictatorial Cabinet System to the more democratic Committee System.”
Deputy Leader Cllr John Evans added, “We have been planning this for the last 4 months but had to delay this announcement due to the Coronavirus pandemic”

Launch Video
rfadmin News Alan Graves, John Evans, Kirk Kus, Paul Bettany, ReformDerby
Watch our launch video below:

Council Tax – only our group opposed the 4% INCREASE!
rfadmin News Kirk Kus, ReformDerby
We believe in keeping Council Tax as low as possible. Council tax increases hit the lower paid harder than any other group in society and low-income taxpayers are always the ones that suffer.
We look closely at ways to save costs and stamp out waste. At the council meeting where council tax was debated we presented our case to halve the recommended increase – protecting the social care increase. However all the establishment parties (Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem) rejected the idea. Cllr Kus argued: “Council Tax hurts the less well off in our society. Council Tax in Derby has increased 57% in real terms since 1997. The tax burden is already at a 50 year high and it is unfair to keep asking taxpayers to dig deeper.”
Note: UK wages are expected to receive a 1.1% real salary increase in 2020.

Hardworking activists – WE DIG IN!
rfadmin News Alan Graves, John Evans, Kirk Kus, Paul Bettany, ReformDerby
We work all year round for our communities and for Derby. We have planted trees and welcome the new Public Protection Officers (PPOs). There is one for each ward. This is in line with our group policy promise of tackling anti-social behaviour, fly tipping, irresponsible parking and bins-on-streets issues. We are working hard to implement our policy promises in Alvaston & Boulton.

Public Protection Officers
rfadmin News Alan Graves, John Evans, Kirk Kus, Paul Bettany, ReformDerby
Derby City Council now has 20 Public Protection Officers. Your local councillors are working very closely with the officers to solve parking problems around Alvaston and to stop unlawful parking at school times. They also have the power to issue fines to those who leave their bins out and who litter our streets.
Councillor John Evans said “It is great to have these public protection officers to ensure that our streets are clean and that people are obeying the law. We want to ensure that Alvaston ward is a clean friendly place getting the community working together for everyone.”

rfadmin News Alan Graves, John Evans, Kirk Kus, Paul Bettany, ReformDerby
As active Councillors we get a lot of positive feedback from local residents when helping them. Some of our recent successes include: Saving Allenton Market supporting the provision of a lease to the market traders; New bollards installed on Harvey Road and Coleman street; successful Compactor Days; deep clean events; a new Lidl to replace the planned flats on Raynesway, and much, much more.