Make Votes Count!

It is time to move away from the outdated FPTP (First Past the Post) voting system and move towards a more modern and fair voting system.

One that stops Postal Code Democracy.

We need a voting system where EVERY vote is COUNTED.

First Past the Post can even enable parties to win elections with less votes than their opponent. This was shown in the UK’s 1951 general election, where the Labour party received more votes than the Conservative Party, however the Conservatives gained the most seats resulting in them being in power.

Even local councils are seeing the effects of this unfair voting system which results in making many people feel unrepresented. For example, in the 2015 local elections, East Hertfordshire saw the Conservatives win all 50 seats despite receiving less than half of the popular vote.

Derby deserve a fair voting system, where every vote matters!

Let have a look at some First Past the Post examples in the UK


Votes for each party:

Seats for each party:



Votes for each party:

Seats for each party:



Votes for each party: 

Seats for each party:


Support from the public

The public want a more democratic voting system, the graph below shows the number of people who support and oppose a PR system:

Here are the pollsters: April 2015, STV/Ipsos-MORIMay 2015, ORB/IndependentDecember 2015, BMG/ERSApril 2017, ICM/MVM; January 2018, YouGov; July 2018, ICM/MVM

Countries that uses FPTP

There are only two countries [1] in Europe that use FPTP for electing their parliament. That is the United Kingdom and Belarus. The map below shows the countries in Europe that use FPTP



What the video below of CGP Gray that explains why FPTP is broken in the UK

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